Saturday 8 February 2025

Welcome to your local directory of services and activities



Your Directory !
  • Are you organising a local event? If so, let us know about it and we will try our best to include it in our Events listings.

  • We are interested in all kinds of events including concerts, plays, fairs, sales, arts and crafts, outdoor activities, exhibitions, lectures and fundraisers.

  • All you need to do is send in your contact information and event details using our contact form - and we will do the rest.


Barton Musical Theatre Company (BMTC). Chairman Alan Searle. Vice Chair Wayne Taylor. Website:

Barton Arts. The Ropewalk, Maltkiln Road DN18 5JT. Secretary Liz Bennet. 01652 660380 A charity committed to an annual celebration of arts and culture.

Barton Muse. For those interested in writing, listening to or performing poetry. Contact Monty Martin 07803504794. Monthly meetings at Frankie’s, 35, HIgh Street, Barton-upon-Humber.

Barton Town Band. Secretary Denise Platt 07702 740809. Town, Youth, and Community Bands. Over 130 members,

Choir. New County Choir. Sue Lacey-Hatton 01652 633002. Rehearsals at Trinity Methodist Church, Wednesdays 19.30.

St Mary’s Choir. Geoff Brown 01652 634855

Dance. see Business Section.

Ropewalk. Maltkin Road, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5JT. 01652 660380. A regionally and nationally renowned centre for the arts in a restored ropery where there is an ever changing programme of exhibitions, activities, practical and academic learning. Craft Gallery and coffee shop. Car park access from Tesco. See also Heritage.

Ropery Hall. Community venue seating up to 120 with licensed bar. Home to a wide variety of performances of music, theatre, comedy etc. Bookings 01652 660380.
Large Car Park at the rear (at the very end of Maltkin Road).

Ropewalk Quilters. Angela Barker 01507 603978. Ropewalk (above) Tuesdays 1400 to 1600.

South Bank Players. Dennis Bloor 01469 531003, Jeanine Guy 07879 777267. Amateur dramatic group for 7 years +. Amateur productions and meetings at Ropewalk. Organises and produces Barton’s P0pular Ghost Walks.