Saturday 8 February 2025

Welcome to your local directory of services and activities



Your Directory !
  • Are you organising a local event? If so, let us know about it and we will try our best to include it in our Events listings.

  • We are interested in all kinds of events including concerts, plays, fairs, sales, arts and crafts, outdoor activities, exhibitions, lectures and fundraisers.

  • All you need to do is send in your contact information and event details using our contact form - and we will do the rest.


Age UK North Lincolnshire. 31-33 High Street, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5PD. 0900 to 1600. 01652 636208 personlogo
A charity resource for the elderly and disabled offering companionship, gardening, decorating, handyman services, shopping, insurance services and benefit advice. Chief Officer Jane Paine. (P).

Alzheimers Society. 01652 680474. Meetings at Wilderspin National School 3rd Tuesday of the month 1030-1200. National Helpline 0845 300 0336.

Best Training. 17 Market Place, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5DA. 01652 661300. Co-ordinator Wendy Wright. Opening times Mon to Fri 0900 to 16.00. Retraining and upgrading skills to help return to employment.

Carlton Education Ltd. 31 Fleetgate, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5QA. 01652 637489. Employability, help and development. Also Carlton laundry and bicycle services. Open Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 0900 to 1600, Wed 0900 to 1300. Sarah Gilbert, Co-ordinator.

Chamber of Trade and Industry (Barton). Chamber Worker Vicky Vickers 01652 633951.
Meetings second Tuesday of the Month.

CHAMP (Community Heritage Arts & Media Project Limited). A charity. Baysgarth House and Museum, Baysgarth Park, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 6AH. 01652 637568. Also administers Assembly Rooms, 51 Fleetgate and hub. See also Arts.

Citizens Advise Consumer Helpline.
For consumer queries 0845 4040506.

Food Bank. 01652 632512 or 632666. Gives three days of food to individuals and families in crisis. Open Tuesday and Friday 1400 to 1600.

Freshstart. Personalisation Services Activities for the Over 50s. Alvingham Road Day Centre, Scunthorpe. 01724 277906. personlogoSupper Club at The Old Mill last Monday of the month, 1930, Lunch Club at The Queens and Trinity Methodist, contact 636208 or 633123, Exercise Class Weds at 1100 and Come to the Gym, every Friday at 1400 at Baysgarth Leisure Centre, Social Gathering at Tofts Road Day Centre, fortnightly on Saturdays 1400 to 1600, Foot Clinic at Viking Resource Centre fortnightly on Wednesdays (appointments necessary 01724 277906).

hub. Maltby Lane, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5PY. Regular Youth Club meetings, childcare and community activity. Contact CHAMP, above.

Humber & Wolds Rural Community Council. Registrar’s Office, Baysgarth House, Barton-upon-Humber. DN18 6AH 01724 7325601652 01652 637700 A charity providing voluntary car service support to residents in rural North Lincolnshire. Support individuals to access health services, ie hospital/doctors appointments and assist with social inclusion. Co-ordinator Robin Bradshaw.

Job Centre Plus. King Street, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5ER. 0845 6043719 (national site). Department of Work and Pensions’ one stop centre for employment opportunities. 0900 to 1230 and 1300 to 1700 Mon to Fri.

Knace House. Supported living for vulnerable 16 to 18 year olds. Referral process through the local authority. 01652 637489 Mondays to Fridays 9am to 4.30pm.

Knotted Note. See Carlton Education above.

Library (Public Lending). Providence House, Holydyke, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5PR. 01724 296808. Mon 0930 to 1800, Tue 0930 to 1700, Wed 0930 to 1400, Thur and Fri, 0930 to 1700, Sat 0900 to 1300. Book lending, information service, local studies material, Talking Book, newspapers, reference books, children’s section, computer (Internet), free Wi-Fi, printing and copying facilities. Administrator, Jacki Haddock.

Local Link (North Lincolnshire Council).
Providence House, Holydyke, Barton-upon-Humber DN18 5PR. 01724 296800. Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 0900 to 1700, Wed 0900 to 1600. Contact with North Lincolnshire Council, local information and advice service. NLC Services Manager Rachel Williams-High.

Police. Barton Police Station.
(Non Emergency Services – Emergency see Crisis), Holydyke, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5PR . Open to the public Mon/Fri 0900 to 1300 & 1400 to 1700, Sat 0900 to 1300. Closed Sun and Bank Holiday. Other than emergency dial 101 (answered in Hull). Officer in charge, Insp Brett Rutty.

Post Office. 32, Burgate, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5HA. 01652 632191. Open Mon/Fri 0900 to 1730, Sat 0900 to 1230. Last collections Mon/Fri 1700, Sat 1200.
Sub Postmistress Mrs M Wingate.

Royal Mail. (sorting office and collections), Harrier Way (off Falkland Way) DN18 5RP. 01652 633699.

St John Ambulance.
District Office, Priory House, Citadel Way, Hull HU9 1TQ 01482 588564. Hall at 27, Fleetgate, Barton-upon-Humber DN18 5QA. Ralph Marshall CStJ. FAIA 01652 633391.

Tofts Road Day Centre. Personalisation Services personlogo
Tofts Road,Barton-upon-Humber,DN18 5NG. 01652 634554. North Lincolnshire Council Social Services Department. Community services mainly for the elderly and disabled. Meals on Wheels. Open Mon to Thur 0800 to 1630.

Tourist Information Centre. Buttercross, Market Place,
Brigg, DN20 8ER. 01652 657053.
Open Mon/Fri 0900 to 1700, Sat 1000 to 1500.

Tourist Maps. At Waters’ Edge Visitor Centre, Beck Hill, Baysgarth House, Transport Interchange,HumberBridge Viewing Area, WilderspinNationalSchool, BartonTown Council and The Ropewalk. Free Shrink Map from Information and Tourist Outlets

Tourism Partnership. The Ropewalk, Maltkin Road, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5TJ. 01652 660380 Delegated members of organisations interested in promoting tourism in Barton-upon-Humber and district. Chairman Paul Vickers, Secretary, Liz Bennet.

Viking Resource Centre. 6/8, Fairfield Drive,
Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 6ER. Community Centre. 01652 660018.

Voluntary Action North Lincolnshire (VANL). 4-6 Robert Street, Scunthorpe. 01724 845155. 01652 633 Carol Thornton Development Worker A Comprehensive support service to the voluntary sector covering North Lincolnshire.

personlogoWe have marked in this directory “P” against voluntary or commercial organisations that can provide for relevant social needs.