Monday 31 March 2025

Welcome to your local directory of services and activities



Your Directory !
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Crisis & Help

Accident and Emergency Hospital Departments
see Health.

Accommodation. Shelterline National Helpline
0808 80044440808 8004444 (omit first 0 from mobiles).
Charity providing accommodation and homelessness advice. (click on “England”).

Alcoholics Anonymous. National Helpline
0845 7697555 / 0845 7697555. Local helpline 01724 362058. Meetings at Mind Centre, Printers Yard, Fenton Street (next to Bus Station), Scunthorpe DN18 6QX. Tue & Fri 1930 to 2100 (it is desirable to contact AA in advance).

Ambulance Service. (Emergency only). Telephone 999.

Bereavement. Cruse Bereavement Care. 0Scunthorpe Branch 01724 281178 / 01724 281178. National Helpline 0844 4779400 / 0844 4779400. Promotes the well being of bereaved people.

Carers. Community and Home Support Service. 11 Redcombe Lane, Brigg, DN20 8AU 01652 601973 / 01652 601973.
A charity providing a range of services to enable people who are older, ill or disabled to remain living at home (P). Support group meeting for carers who live in Barton and surrounding area at St. John Ambulance Hall, 27 Fleetgate, Barton DN18 5QA every Tuesday 1300 to 1500. Support Centre for Carers Helpline 01652 650585 / 01652 650585

Childline. Counselling for children and young persons only. Adults ring NSPCC Helpline 0808 8005000 / 0808 8005000. National Helpline 0800 1111.
National Helpline 0800 11110800 1111

Citizens Advice Bureau. Scunthorpe Branch, 12 Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7PT 01724 870941 / 01724 870941. Telephone Gateway number 01724 878090.
Barton advice sessions at the Local Link Office, Holydyke, Monday and Friday 1330 to 1630. Appointments in Barton 01724 29680001724 296800. National Advice Guide or general website

Crosby Employment Bureau. Advice on a wide range of social issues.
1-3 Laneham Street, Scunthorpe DN15 6LJ
01724 844848 / 01724 844848

Debt. National Helpline 0808 8084000 / 0808 8084000. (run by the Money Advice Trust, a charity) Mon to Fri 0900 to 2100, Sat 0930 to 1300.

Doctor Emergency. Central Surgery 01652 636600 / 01652 636600
West Town Surgery (after hours, normal number, 01652 660041 / 01652 660041) See also Health.

Domestic Violence. (male and female).
National Helpline 0808 2000247 / 0808 2000247 (omit first 0 from mobiles).

Drinkline. National Helpline 0800 9178282 / 0300 1231110 (omit first 0 from mobiles). Information, help, support and advice for drinkers, family and friends. Monday to Friday 0900 to 2000, Weekends 1100 t 1600.

Fire Emergency only. Telephone 999 (Home fire safety, Humberside Fire & Rescue Service 08081418282

First Responder Group. (from Ambulance Service Only). Lincolnshire’s Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service. (LIVES). Barton Co-ordinator Steve Berry 07791 883125.

Homelessness. See Accommodation (above).

Humbercare Ltd. 01724 276678 / 01724 276678 Gives housing related support and help to all vulnerable people from 18 years upwards.

Integrated Help and Social Care Team. Adult Social Care Barton and Winterton Locality Team at Providence House, Holydyke, Barton upon Humber DN18 5PR. 01724 296981. District Nursing and Community Therapy Service 01724 296981. Hone Care Services (care in own home) 01652 601973. Children and Young People Support Service 01724 96500. Family Information Service 01724 296629.

North Lincolnshire Homes – part of Ongo. 01724 279900 / 01724 279900 all enquiries, 24 hours. House and flat lets across North Lincolnshire. Provides help for people in their homes regarding repairs and improvements or money and lifestyle advice.

Police Emergency Only 999. for local police services under Community Services

Rape Crisis. National Helpline 0800 1974787 / 0800 1974787 (omit first 0 from mobiles) (local) (national).

Samaritans. 01724 860000 24 hours. 2, Lindum Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6QU.
National email A confidential emotional support service. Founded by Barton-upon-Humber’s Revd.Chad Varah.

Shelterline. See Accommodation (above).

Victim Support. Yorkshire and Humberside 0300 303 1971. Monday to Friday 0800 to 2000 Sat 0900 to 1700

Personal Services for Vulnerable People
Social services reasonably required, whether by reason of age, disablement or other difficulties are the Local Authority responsibilit (North Lincolnshire Council). An assessment of need is made by the Local Authority after which a budget amount is allowed for payment. The recipient is then free to decide which services should be actually purchased out of the budget amount.
The Person in need of services may engate a Personal Assistant to select and arrange provision of the necessary services. The cost of a Personal Assistant must be born out of the budgeting payment. Various agencies can provide Personal Assistants:-

Crosby Care Service. 1-3 Laneham Street, Scunthorpe. DN15 6LJ 01724 844848 / 01724 844848.
Aaminia Homecare Ltd. 35 Craik Hill Avenue, Immingham. DN40 1LP
Carers, Community and Home Support Service. 11 Redcombe Lane, Brigg. DN20 8AU 01652 601973 / 01652 601973

Guidance: Freshstart at Alvingham Road Day Centre, Alvingham Road Scunthorpe DN16 2DP 01724 277906 – 0930 to 1500 or Options4U 01724 270121 / 01724 270121.