Monday 17 June 2024

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Divorce and Family Legal
1a Green Lane, Barton upon Humber, North Lincolnshire. DN18 6AD
1a Green Lane Barton-upon-Humber North Lincolnshire DN18 6AD

Divorce can be one of the most traumatic times in anyone’s life, but we are here to help and guide you through the process.

We are here to help you

We at Divorce & Family Legal aim to provide legal advice and assistance in a cost effective and clear manner that suits you because we appreciate that all clients have different needs.

We are very confident in our ability to help you through one of the most traumatic times in your life.

Cost of divorce through solicitors too expensive? We can help at Divorce & Family Legal with divorce packages from just £100. We also help and provide advice on disputes with contact and residence to children, whether this is just negotiating or in court proceedings. Call us to discuss either this or divorce – did you know the most usual fact relied upon in divorce is ‘unreasonable behaviour’. It does not need to be too extreme, just that you see it as unreasonable. We are here to help you. Visit our website – Email

FREE Initial Consultation

ADVICE on the basis of divorce and the best way forward
GUIDANCE on our best divorce service to suit you and your budget
INFORMATION about the UK divorce process and what you can expect from our services
COSTS ensuring you have accurate costs information – go forward knowing the TOTAL cost


call: 07500 110 615

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