(Licensed for serving alcohol marked (L)).
Barton-upon-Humber unless stated to the contrary.
Assembly Rooms. (L). Queen Street 01652 637568
Barton Town Cricket Club. (L) Marsh Lane 01652 408445 email; functionroomhire@bartontowncc.co.uk
Barton Old Boys Euronics Football Club. (L) Marsh Lane 07927 623932 01652 661871
Baysgarth House Council Chamber and Mayor’s Parlour. 07717 588088 01652 63756 (CHAMP).
Corn Exchange Club (L) Function room. Market Place. 01652 632104.
Fathom Works. (L) Business Units for creative industries, conferences, meetings and theatre. The Ropewalk, Maltkin Road. 01652 66204001652 662040.
Haven Inn. (L) Function room
Barrow Haven. 01469 530247.
Memorial Hall, Goxhill. (L) Mrs Iris MacLeod 01469 530772.
Old Mill. (L) First floor restaurant room
Market Lane 01653 660333.
Queens. (L) Queens Street, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5QP 01652 634828.
Ropewalk (L) Ropery Hall and other meeting rooms. Maltkin Road 01652 660380.
St. John Ambulance Hall. Fleetgate 01652 635288
St Mary’s church and church hall
Burgate. 01652 633454
Trinity Methodist Church. Function rooms with kitchen facilities and church. Holydyke 01652 633123
Village Hall, South Ferriby. Sandra Fisher 01652 637406
Village Hall, Bonby. Mrs H Owen 618524. £7.50 per hour
Vicar’s Room, Barrow-on-Humber. Mrs A Cherry 01469 531613
Wilderspin National School (L) Various rooms and schoolroom. Queen Street. 01652 635172