Saturday 21 December 2024

Welcome to your local directory of services and activities



Your Directory !
  • Are you organising a local event? If so, let us know about it and we will try our best to include it in our Events listings.

  • We are interested in all kinds of events including concerts, plays, fairs, sales, arts and crafts, outdoor activities, exhibitions, lectures and fundraisers.

  • All you need to do is send in your contact information and event details using our contact form - and we will do the rest.



Barton Cleethorpes Community Rail Partnership. Mike Gathercole (Chair) 077757 75853. Self funding membership group to improve passenger experience on the Barton/Cleethorpes line. Local Authority, private and commercial membership.

Humber Bridge. Humber Bridge Board. Ferriby Road, Hessle, E Yorks, HU13 0JG. 01482 647161. Cars £1.50, Motorcycles free.
HumberTAG. As well as quicker journey times, HumberTAG customers also enjoy a 10% discount on all their toll crossings.

Buses. 350 Humber Fast Cat, Hull-Barton-Scunthorpe. Humber Flyer Hull -Airport-Grimsby, 252 Barton-Goxhill, 450 Brigg-Barton-Grimsby, 260 Villager Service, 254 Barton Town Service.
Timetable information available from the following –
Humber Fast Cat Stagecoach website
254 Barton Town Service Hornsbys website
260 Villager Service Stagecoach website


Bus stop locations around Barton are shown on this map

The North Lincolnshire rural bus and rail map. Gives an overview of the services available in the area. The map includes services to colleges and sixth forms. Click here to Download from North Lincolnshire Council website.

Bus Call. General timetable information 01482 222222.

Traveline. You can plan your journey or access a timetable on the Traveline website

Bus timetables also from Public Library, Local Link Office and Barton Town Council and

Car Transport. Transport Solutions. Voluntary Car Service covering Barton and district, for those with social needs. Registered office Baysgarth House, Barton-upon-Humber DN18 6AH. 01652 637700.

Friends of the Barton Line. Secretary Anthony Berridge 01724 721397, 47 Eastfield Road,Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 6AW. An official Rail User Group promoting and seeking improvements to the Barton to Cleethorpes Rail line. Enquiries 01724 721397. £5.00 pa keeps members informed about the line.

Rail. Barton Terminus Station is unmanned at the Transport Interchange, Fleetgate, DN18 5QD. Trains run from Barton via village stations to Cleethorpes with connections at Habrough to the national rail network. National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950. Timetables from Public Library, Local Link Office, Barton Town Council, Margaret’s shop (opposite station). No public toilet. contains useful information.

School & College Transport Information

including bus pass applications, routes and policies: See our  Schools & Education page

Taxis See Business Section.