Monday 31 March 2025

Welcome to your local directory of services and activities



Your Directory !
  • Are you organising a local event? If so, let us know about it and we will try our best to include it in our Events listings.

  • We are interested in all kinds of events including concerts, plays, fairs, sales, arts and crafts, outdoor activities, exhibitions, lectures and fundraisers.

  • All you need to do is send in your contact information and event details using our contact form - and we will do the rest.

Youth (P)

Army Cadet Force. Cadet Hut, Clapsons Lane, Waterside, Barton on Humber,DN18 5BQ. Detachment Commander – Sergeant Laura Porter. Monday & Wednesday evening 1900 to 2100. County Headquarters 01377 253548.

Brownies. (aged 7 to 10) 1st Barton Brownies Sue Wind (Brown Owl) 01652 632334. 2nd Barton Brownies Natalie Gray (Brown Owl) 07976 830462.

Guides. 1st Barton Guides (aged 10 upwards).
Vicky Wind (guider) 077360 34412

Rainbows. (pre Brownies aged 5 to 7)
Vicky Wind 077360 34412

Sally Anna Tots. 0 to pre school.
See Salvation Army, see “Churches. To register speak to Captains Nick and Anita Cotterill 01652 632666

Scouts. 3rd Barton Scouts. Jim Crosskell 01652 634696.

St Mary’s Youth Group. Jenny Hepworth, 01652 632202 . See Churches (St Mary’s).

Youth Centre. hub, Maltby Lane,DN8 5PY. 01652 633849. Part of North Lincolnshire Council. Project Worker, Pat Such 07717 587255.